We have the CLARITY, you have the SUCCESS.

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Proven strategies to develop a successful entrepreneurial mindset

Still not getting the results you want and don't consider yourself a successful entrepreneur, even though you may have invested in a promising marketing strategy? I, Bianca Stan, I understood that success doesn't just come from a well-crafted strategy.

In vain you invest in a marketing strategy that promises a lot, it will not bring the set results if the entrepreneur/manager is not prepared. Every strategy comes with trade-offs and requires you to step out of your comfort zone. You can't expect different results by doing the same things.

"Behind a successful entrepreneur there is definitely a right mindset!"

The importance of a successful mindset:


I think that alignment and success in business is based on three fundamental points:
  • to be a business in which you enjoy working,
  • to be appreciated for what you do and
  • to be paid fairly.

I will further explain methods of increasing the mindset for each one separately, methods that I have learned from the programs Monica Ion and of Nina Patrichi, thanks to which we experienced rapid leaps in entrepreneurial development.

When I present the strategies of marketing thought to MabIT customers, I inform them that strategy implementation will also require:
  • to be open to new methods,
  • to accept challenges the
  • to get out of the comfort zone.


There's no disagreeing with these points and I'm excited to say I can't wait to get down to business, but the mindset sets in and roadblocks appear.

Without the right mindset, even the best marketing strategy will fail to deliver the expected results.
In this article, I will expose practical methods of mindset growth based on the three mentioned aspects that bring alignment and success in business.
I will share techniques learned from Monica and Nina, two experts whose programs have had a significant impact on my development, and I thank them. These steps will support you in developing the mindset you need to achieve success and enjoy every aspect of your business.

How does a successful entrepreneur do more of what they love?

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It all starts with the values test. Values are lived, not spoken, and represent your daily choices. What do you spend your money and time on every day? In the 24 hours we manage to live about three values.

Values are actions in your life that can be easily demonstrated, for example: business development, family, health, money, friends. Values are NOT those societal expectations ie – good, honest, fair, free etc. 

Living the values

When you live in your values, you have more energy, reach your true potential more easily, and manifest what you want much more easily.
At the same time, I also want to share with you that knowing your highest values helps you have more fulfilling relationships. Because when you support someone to live up to their highest values, it is definitely the key to success in any relationship.
Values (personal priorities) are the difference between living a meaningless life and a meaningful life in terms of your relationships with others, your career, and your entire life. 

Proven strategies for being a successful entrepreneur who does what he likes:

  • Answer the questions of HERE to identify your top personal priorities (values).
  • Then respond to what do you really want to achieve? What are you dreaming of?
  • Break the dream into smaller goals and describe in detail for each of your goals, what will your life look like when it is accomplished?
  • Who are you NOW and who is the YOU of your dreams? How does he behave and who does he surround himself with?
  • What is NOT working in your life right now? What do you wish to change?
  • Who is your person/partner who will support you to achieve your goals? Who is the person who will catch your attention and show you that your mindset is not helping you and remind you of the points above?

Evaluate how much you are doing of what is really important to you right now, but also how much you are gaining from what you are doing:

  • Think and write in a month what they are the activities you do daily, weekly and monthly.
  • Next to each write the monthly time you spend on that activity.
  • Then write the amounts of money you earn monthly from each activity. Spend money only on the activities that bring you money in direct way.
  • How much does it cost you to delegate that activity, compared to a month. You will notice that there are activities that you cannot delegate, such as sports, sleep, eating. Put a line next to these activities.
  • Write also the meaning that the activity has for you, on a scale from 1 to 10. This is about how much satisfaction you get from that activity, regardless of what others think. 10 - means that you do the activity with great pleasure, it inspires you, gives you energy and is important to you.
The ones that have little meaning for you and you still do them, means that they are not in your values and I recommend that you try to delegate as soon as possible.

Proven strategies for successful entrepreneurs who they are also appreciated for what they do:


  • Discover 20 insults/criticisms that the mind says about you and 20 about the people you interact with, including family, colleagues, friends, random people.

"What you criticize in others, you also have in yourself 100%. Otherwise you would not have the ability to see them."

Why is it important to start with what you criticize about yourself and those around you?

  • Because in our space, in our life we allow people to enter in two ways:
  1. conscious through total assumption;
  2. unconscious through the cracks. The cracks are created with our unconscious will.
Example: I attract ungrateful, insensitive, arrogant, verbally aggressive, critical and insecure people into my space because I have the wounds of: inadequacy, unloved, I felt stupid, perfectionist from the desire to be appreciated from the outside, etc. 
See this way, what kind of wrong people have you attracted into your space? You will definitely never get appreciation from them 🙂 .
Appreciations only come when you have in your space and life the people you consciously let go of through total acceptance, and the appreciations will come when:
  • choose and you WORK TO in their lives, showing them responsibility.
  • say as think being authentic proving confidence.
  • as you say do right away and help them achieve their goals in a way upright.
I share with you such an appreciation that came genuinely, unsolicited, from a customer. Such appreciations often come from both clients and team members.
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When you manage to be coherent in actions, to make with the intention of contribution from a mind-soul alignment, not only will you attract appreciation, you will also feel peace of mind.

Proven and applied daily strategies for being an entrepreneur correctly paid and successful:

If the first two steps were relatively easy to summarize, to turn into concrete strategies, here, well, it's much more complex. Getting to earn more and more money depends to a large extent on the feelings of guilt and shame that you have experienced up to now. The level of merit is created in these circumstances and I recommend that you go through transformational programs that support you to get to the root causes, to go back to those moments with very strong emotional charge that affected your self-esteem and made you to feel ashamed or guilty. For me, such programs were supported by Monica Ion and Nina Patrichi.
However, I leave you here something to start with:
  • Write down all the things you have heard about money, from your youth until now. They may be things you say too, or maybe you just hear them. Now for each statement about money, ask yourself on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) at 5 (total agreement), how real the statement feels to you. See which are the top 3 that received the highest score and analyze how these beliefs have impacted your life.
  • For a week do it daily a behavior to prove to yourself that you deserve it, that you prioritize yourself, that you give the best for yourself.
  • Write a list of all those things you do for your customers when you deliver a product or service. For example, I to deliver a marketing strategy:
    • bring clarity and alignment in business;
    • make them understand what proper marketing means and what their customer's journey is in the buying process;
    • they receive concrete steps to achieve their goals;
    • I receive support, guidance and motivation throughout the collaboration;
    • develop their business;
    • gain time for what is important to them;
    • unite and expand the team by putting all people in the same direction;
Now, next to each thing he gets, write what you think it's worth, what he would pay if he were actually asked to pay that benefit. If you do a total, aren't you asking too little for that product/service?
Through these three steps, you will most likely be able to increase your merit level and start asking for the price that you feel is right for you.


Each person has their own pace and what I have written in this article may seem overwhelming with a lot to do. You don't have to do them all at once! Choose to respond and follow directions when you feel like it. If you are a woman, keep in mind that we have a different internal rhythm than men. I recommend watching Nina to better understand these aspects and Monica to begin to better understand how our minds work.
Recap of key points:
  1. Identify and live your personal values: Values are your compass in life. They determine what you spend your time and money on and help you live a meaningful life. Reflect on your values and live them daily for more energy and fulfillment.
  2. Be authentic and build relationships based on mutual respect: What you criticize in others, you also have in you 100%. Be authentic, demonstrate self-confidence, and genuinely engage in your relationships to get the appreciation you deserve.
  3. Understand and demand the right value for your work: Analyze your beliefs about money and demonstrate your worth daily. Evaluate the benefits you offer your clients and make sure you're charging the right price for your work. Continuously increase your merit level.
I hope the information put into this form has given meaning and direction in achieving business alignment and success. If you need a team to support you in achieving your business goals, we are here one click away.

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    We have the CLARITY, you have the SUCCESS.