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strategii de marketing omnichannel

Planning and implementing an omnichannel marketing strategy: from A to Z

If you are here, it means that you have successfully read the article about how do you start an omnichannel marketing strategy. You've discovered all the steps you need to take to get business clarity. In addition, you also analyzed the current situation, both of the market and of the business.

Well, this is where the true omnichannel marketing strategy begins. From this point, everything you learned will be used for you 🙂 So, let's see how to plan and implement an omnichannel promotion strategy!

3. Meal an omnichannel marketing strategy
After gaining clarity and conducting in-depth analysis, now is the time to plan strategically and use creative ideas to maximize impact.
Here's how you can approach this process:
Establishing objectives and KPIs
  • Define clear goals that you want to achieve each month.
  • Establish KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to measure success (example: increase in the number of contacts in the database, website traffic, number of followers, engagement rate, email opening rate, email click-through rate, cost per lead/acquisition, number of sales, etc.).
Website optimization
  • Make sure your website is optimized for conversion and reflects your goals.
  • This should be the focus of your omnichannel strategy.
Omnichannel strategy for content - description
  • We think about what that "seed content" will be - the main message of that month
  • It represents the "primary" content that becomes the focus
  • We focus on having a "video first" approach
  • From a single blog article/video we will extract a minimum of 52 touch points (interactions with the client)
  • Channels: Blog, YouTube, Email, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, ADS, Whatsapp
  • Also use Whatsapp Marketing and automation software like ManyChat to maximize efficiency.
Seed content should be determined based on:
  • survey – that information that customers don't know, but should (about what you sell/do)
  • views, opinions and education – Personal opinions, educational content (from personal experience – freely spoken, authentic), opinions about ….. General recommendations about the benefits of your products
  • Interviews with experts, team members, clients, collaborators – The goal is to reach a new audience + gain trust
What does touch point mean?
A touch point is any interaction between the brand and the customer. These interactions can be digital, physical or verbal and include any moment the customer comes into contact with the brand, whether it is viewing an ad, reading an email or browsing a website. The purpose of touch points is to create a memorable and valuable experience for the customer, helping to build the relationship with them.
In the context of our omnichannel marketing strategy, the idea is to maximize these touch points using a single seed content and adapt it for different channels. Let's take a look at how we can turn a blog article or video into a minimum of 52 touch points:

1.Seed Content (First Touch Point)

    • Original article or video published on blog or YouTube.
    • Include backlinks to other relevant articles or videos and make sure it is SEO optimized.
    • Repost the blog article as a newsletter and also post it as a regular article on LinkedIn.

2. E-mail Marketing (Third touch point)

    • Here you should consider a sales funnel that includes pieces of primary content.

3. Social Media (5-9 Touch Points)

  • We adapt and post content on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube Community, Pinterest, Google My Business (each type of content where appropriate, eg carousels do not post to GoogleMyBusiness or Pinterest).
  • Each platform represents an individual touch point.

4. Creating diversified content (10-52 touch points)

    • Social Media Carousel: We break primary content down into steps or key “takeaways”.
    • Graphic title + caption, ideal reel: We announce the seed content and link to it or post about the topic of the month.
    • "Label" post + caption, ideal reel: We extract keywords or terms from the seed content.
    • List + caption, ideally reel: We break down the large video into a list of key elements.
    • Quote + caption: We extract a single point or takeaway from the main content.
    • Stat/FYI/Fact: Presenting a key point, metric, or infographic.
    • Discussion: We share an opinion, personal story, lesson or challenging question based on the main content.
    • Reels: We create short videos, either cut from the big video or shot from seed content.
By using this strategy, your message will be present on multiple channels, creating numerous opportunities for your audience to interact with your brand in various ways. This not only improves visibility and online presence, but also creates a coherent and comprehensive brand experience and helps you make diverse content with less effort.
The secret then it's about scheduling these subtopics from the primary content so it looks like you're everywhere all the time. For example, on Monday you post topic 1 on Facebook, topic 2 on Instagram, topic 3 on Linkedin, topic 4 on tik tok (this way we end up having the content adapted to each individual channel). You "play" so that on each channel you talk about something else on the same day. People will think that's all you do, but in reality… you know the secret.

4. IMPLEMENTATION OF. The role of video content in the omnichannel strategy

Video content is an essential element in the omnichannel strategy, playing a central role in connecting and engaging the audience across multiple communication channels.
There it is why video content is so important within a coherent marketing strategy:
  1. Increasing engagement: Videos have up to 5x the retention rate of text and static image.
  2. Influence on purchasing decisions: According to surveys, more than 70% of consumers say that videos have influenced their purchase decisions. This shows that videos are a powerful tool to persuade and convert potential customers.
  3. The impact of the visual: Over 90% of users prefer to consume visual content over text when both options are available. This underscores the importance of video content in meeting audience preferences and needs.
  4. Optimizing for mobile devices: A large portion of video content is consumed on mobile devices. Studies show that approximately 60% of views on YouTube and other social media platforms are from mobile phones.
  5. Efficiency in content marketing: According to research, video content has a conversion rate up to 80% higher than other types of content. This highlights the ability of video content to drive tangible results within a marketing strategy.
These statistics provide a clear insight into the importance and impact of video content in your marketing strategy. Integrating it into an omnichannel strategy can significantly contribute to business success and growth.
  1. Creating video content smarter, not harder
    • The idea is to aim to have between 12-15 reels each month, of which only 20% should be for sale.
    • If your seed content is a video, when you record it is important that each section (topic) begins with a hook (the hook = "hook" and aims to attract attention and arouse interest) and at the end you film the call to actions separately, which will then be integrated into the reels. We recommend that if you choose seed content video - do not read!
    • If your seed content is an article, then you will shoot pieces (the topics) separately and here we recommend using the teleprompter.
  2. Consistency and persistence in omnichannel marketing
Consistency and persistence are the keys to achieving the desired results. And this part is the biggest challenge because it means maintaining an active and constant presence on all promotion channels.:
But again, we share a secret with you 🙂
  • Strategic programming: Plan to post different topics on various channels every day. For example, Monday posts Topic 1 on Facebook, Topic 2 on Instagram, Topic 3 on LinkedIn, and Topic 4 on TikTok. This approach creates the impression that your brand is omnipresent and always active.
  • Diversifying the message: Each channel should present a different aspect of your seed content. This keeps the audience engaged and interested, while providing a unique experience on each platform.
  • The secret of efficiency: The secret is to maximize every piece of content you produce. That way, you're everywhere without having to dedicate every day to creating new content. With this strategy, you save time and resources while maintaining a high level of engagement and visibility.
Performance measurement and analysis in omnichannel strategy
To ensure the success of an omnichannel strategy, constantly measuring, analyzing and adapting ensures the performance of your campaigns.
Here are some techniques and tools that can help you in this process:
  1. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs): We return to the objectives. To identify performance, it is important to know what you are measuring (conversion rates, new database contacts, website traffic, social media engagement and number of new followers, customer retention rate, etc.).
  2. Use web analytics tools: Use tools like Google Analytics, Hotjar to track traffic and user behavior on your site. This data can give you insight into the effectiveness of your content and customer journey.
  3. Monitor performance on Social Media: We use Metricool to efficiently schedule content across all channels. You can also use tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, or directly the analytics of social media platforms to see how the public interacts with the content on various channels.
  4. Evaluate email marketing campaigns: Analyze open, click-through and conversion rates to understand the effectiveness of emails in driving action and maintaining interest. An open rate above 30% and a click rate above 3% indicates successful performance.
  5. Use surveys and customer feedback: Getting direct feedback from customers is a great way to gauge their perception and satisfaction with your campaigns, but also a necessary way to get user-generated content.
  6. Experiment with A/B testing: A/B tests allow you to compare different versions of your content to see which versions generate the best results. We use A/B testing on email marketing campaigns, but also on sales pages.
  7. Analyze ADS results: Evaluates the performance of paid ads in terms of ROI and their impact in generating leads or sales.
Now that we've explored the various aspects of an effective omnichannel marketing strategy, it's time to take action. Here's one way to get started, and that's by attending our third edition BuildYourDigitalBusiness workshop.
We hold this workshop only twice a year, in March and September, and each time there are not enough places.
5 Reasons to sign up for the BuildYourDigitalBusiness Workshop now:
  1. Proven expertise: You benefit from the knowledge and experience of digital industry leaders who will provide you with valuable insights and actionable strategies. Bianca Stan, co-founder of MabIT and Marina Cașcaval – Project Manager, presented the secrets of the omnichannel experience during the international conference GoTech World 2023.
  2. Personalized content: The workshop is designed to meet the specific needs of your business, regardless of its stage.
  3. Networking and collaborations: You will have the opportunity to interact with other entrepreneurs and professionals, opening the way to fruitful collaborations and long-lasting partnerships.
  4. Practical skills: Not just theory but also practical applications. You will leave the workshop with concrete skills that you can immediately implement in your marketing strategy.
  5. A competitive advantage: Learn how to differentiate yourself in an oversaturated market and how to lead your business to success in the digital age.
Don't miss this opportunity to transform your marketing strategy and build a successful digital business. Register now for the BuildYourDigitalBusiness workshop and take the first step towards a top digital business!

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