We have the CLARITY, you have the SUCCESS.

Omnichannel Marketing Strategy: Where to Start

Today, let's talk about something that cannot be missing from your business growth arsenal: the omnichannel marketing strategy. Wait a minute, I know what you're thinking - "Another strategy?" But wait to hear this: 87% of marketers plan to increase or maintain their investment in 2024 to automate direct messages to customers . Yes, you read that right!
In today's business world, marketing is not just a chapter in your business manual; it's the heart and brain of your growth strategy. And we're not just talking about choosing the best channels or the coolest ads here. We're talking about creating a seamless experience, no matter where your customers interact with your brand. Whether it's on Instagram, via email or a friendly SMS, every touch point counts.
Let's dive into the world of omnichannel strategies and see how they can help us get closer to our customers and, of course, grow our businesses. Ready to discover how? 

From Multichannel to Omnichannel: The Evolution of Marketing Strategy

Imagine multichannel like an amusement park where each attraction is separate – the ferris wheel, the roller coaster, the haunted house. Each attraction gives you a different experience, but there is no connection between them. You could have fun on the wheel, then get scared in the haunted house, without one affecting the experience of the other. It's fun, but fragmented.


Now, think about omnichannel like a theme park, where every attraction, every show and every souvenir stand is part of a bigger story. Each experience ties into the other, contributing to an engaging and cohesive adventure. No matter where you go in the park, you feel like you are part of the same magical story. Everything is connected and makes you feel in a very special world.
In marketing, multichannel can take you to many interesting places, but omnichannel takes you on a memorable journey, where every customer touchpoint enhances the brand story and increases brand engagement.

Given the changes in people's behavior and the fact that the market is increasingly competitive, adopting omnichannel strategies is no longer optional! And the faster you will understand this aspect, the more you will be able to differentiate yourself and "stop running" after customers.
At the same time, an omnichannel approach helps you to be even more efficient, more coherent and to scale faster.

Furthermore, studies show that effective omnichannel strategies lead to higher response and conversion rates. Using a mix of email, social media, AI chatbots and mobile messaging, brands can create a shopping experience that not only meets but exceeds customer expectations.
So what do we say? Multichannel is about being everywhere. Omnichannel is about being everywhere, but in a way that really matters. It's about building a coherent and engaging story for your brand, regardless of the channel through which customers choose to interact.

What should an effective omnichannel strategy include?

What transforms an omnichannel strategy from a simple list of channels into a harmonious and effective marketing machine? The answer lies in four essential components: clarity, analysis, planning and implementation.

1. CLARITY: Above all, it is essential to have a clear vision.
  • Where are you now? Where do you want to go? And why does it matter to get there?
"The universe only gives us what we think we deserve to live for." So at this stage it is very important to work on your mindset, to change patterns and to be aware of what is holding you back.
Then you should ask yourself WHO they are your customers (the ones you want) and WHAT THE do they actually buy from you? They seek to solve a problem, to fulfill a desire; how does your business support them to get what they are looking for?
This stage helps us align our offers and messages with the needs and expectations of our target audience.

2. ANALYZE: The next step is to analyze the "5Cs" meticulously:
  • cthe ideal binder
  • cthe ompetitors
  • cthe current context
  • ccompany – the situation of the company now
  • ccollaborators (strategic partnerships)
We are developing immediately. Keep reading!

3. PLANNING: With the information gathered, we move on to strategic planning. Here we define specific tactics to achieve our goals and ensure that each communication channel is optimized to tell part of the brand story.

4. IMPLEMENTATION: Last but not least is the implementation step. If you have the plan and don't apply it, it's zero!
This is where the strategy comes to life. By carefully executing the plan and continuously adapting to feedback and data, our omnichannel strategy not only meets but exceeds expectations.

Step-by-step guide to building an omnichannel marketing strategy

Let's go into more detail and develop each of the 4 stages that should not be missing from a strategy!

1. How you get CLARITY so you can have more effective marketing?


  • Ask yourself what motivated you to start this business? Why do you do what you do?
  • What stage are you at now? Do you have a DREAM Business or a SCREAM Business? If you have a DREAM Business part-time or not at all, then what's stopping you? What stops you? What challenges do you have? Put them on paper! It's very important. Then, next to each one, write what the solution would be without thinking about the costs.
  • Currently, how much of the % activity goes to individuals and how much to projects/corporate clients?
  • What is the main niche you want to focus on in the next 3-6 months? Do you want to increase your B2B or B2C sales? Which customers bring you the best return?
  • What do most of your customers have in common? If they had a group of their own, what would it be called?
  • What are your goals for the next 6 months? Write in detail what you have in mind for the next 6 months.
WHAT YOU SELL (we'll develop more when we talk about ideal customer analysis)
It is important to be clear about the benefits you offer, to personalize and align the promotional offer with the needs and desires of your target customers.
Let's start with this set of questions to help you create your magic promotional offer:
  • How does your offer differ from your competitors? – Identify what makes your offer unique in the eyes of customers.
  • What are the concrete benefits of your offer? – Focus on the tangible results or benefits your product or service provides.
  • How can you demonstrate the value of your offer? – Think about evidence such as case studies, customer testimonials or statistical data.
  • What makes you credible in the eyes of customers? – Highlight your or your company's experience, appearances, expertise and achievements.
  • How can your offer be tested or experienced before purchase? – Offer demos, free samples or consulting.
  • What makes your offer urgent or limited? – Include elements that create a sense of urgency, such as limited-time offers, limited stock, or special editions.
  • How is your offer presented? – Make sure your message is clear, concise and visually appealing. To get a good presentation use the techniques exposed in the article "How to communicate your offers so that you sell easily?
The magic formula for sales pitches that conquer the market might look like this: 

Your Offer = (Customer Perceived Value) x (Competition Differentiation) / (Customer Effort to Buy)
2. ANALYZE. What do we analyze and why?
Most of the time this step is treated superficially and it shouldn't be!
At MabIT, we build strategies made by thinking, not just based on creative ideas. For this, we focus on analyzing the 5Cs: Ideal Customer, Competitors, Context, Company and Collaborators.
  • THE IDEAL CLIENT: The focus here is to define the customer journey at each stage – search, compare, purchase, wait, return. This is the secret in omnichannel strategies! When you are very clear about your customer journey, you have half the strategy done!
Let's focus on each stage:

  • When they are looking for what you have to offer:
    • Possible frustrations: Difficulty finding relevant information, confusion about options.
    • Solutions: effective SEO, clear and informative content on the website, targeted advertisements.
    • Ask yourself here:
      • What channels do they use to search for information?
      • How would the customer search on Google so that they reach every service/product you offer?
      • How does the client articulate "problems/wants" when talking to friends or family? (try to formulate exactly in his words)
      • So what are the identified problems that your product/service is the solution to?
      • How can I make my product/service information more accessible and relevant at this stage?
  • When find and compare:
    • Possible frustrations: Comparing prices and features, difficult decisions.
    • Solutions: Product/service comparisons, best benefit exposure, frequently asked questions answered, detailed reviews, customer testimonials, ease of access to help and support.
    • Ask yourself here:
      • What factors influence customers' decision to choose between different options?
      • How can I present the advantages/benefits/unique features of my product/service compared to the competition?
      • What informational or educational content can I provide to help them in their decision making process?
  • When they buy:
    • Possible frustrations: Complicated checkout process, worries about payment security.
    • Solutions: Simplified purchase process, multiple payment options, ensuring data security, offering a simple purchase process.
    • Ask yourself here:
      • What obstacles or concerns might customers have before making a purchase?
      • How can I simplify the purchase process and ensure a pleasant buying experience?
      • What guarantees or return policies can I offer to reduce the perceived risk?
  • When he waits:
    • Possible frustrations: Lack of post-purchase communication, delivery delays.
    • Solutions: Regular updates on order status, transparent tracking, quick assistance for any questions.
    • Ask yourself here:
      • What expectations do customers have after purchase and how can they exceed these expectations?
      • How can I keep communication open and provide after-sales support?
      • What strategies can I use to encourage feedback and build a long-term relationship?
  • What keeps him coming back:
    • Possible frustrations: Lack of reason to return, unpleasant, "forgettable" buying experience.
    • Solutions: Personalized post-purchase offers, loyalty program, valuable content to maintain interest.
    • Ask yourself here:
      • How can I turn satisfied customers into brand ambassadors?
      • What types of loyalty or reward programs can I offer to encourage referrals?
      • What exclusive content or experiences can I create to maintain long-term engagement?
At each stage, the goal is to get the customer to the next stage as quickly as possible and provide them with the best possible experience. This involves anticipating frustrations and offering surprising and valuable solutions that exceed the customer's expectations.
This approach helps create a seamless and memorable omnichannel experience that not only meets the customer's immediate needs, but also builds a long-term relationship.
  • COMPETITORS. What are we looking for in each?
Competitor analysis is the most important step in developing an effective marketing strategy. By understanding your competitors' strengths and weaknesses, you can identify opportunities and threats, and strategically position yourself in the market.
Determining who is a relevant competitor it's essential to ensure you're focusing your analytics efforts where it matters most.
Here are some steps to identify relevant competitors:
  1. Actuarial market definition
    • Understand what market your business operates in (local, regional, national, international).
    • Determine the market segments and niches you are targeting.
  2. Identifying direct competitors
    • Search for companies that offer similar products or services.
    • Focus on those who target the same target audience or solve the same customer problem.
  3. Analysis of indirect competitors
    • Don't forget the companies that offer alternative or complementary products or services.
    • These may be indirect but relevant competitors to your strategy. At the same time, strategic partnerships can also be developed here.
  4. Online monitoring
    • Use search engines and social media to find competitors.
    • Check which companies appear in searches for keywords relevant to your business.
  5. Feedback from customers
    • Ask current or potential customers about other companies they have considered.
    • Find out from customers what other options they evaluated before choosing your product or service.
  6. Participation in industry events
    • Attend trade shows, conferences and other events in your industry.
    • See which companies are present and active in the same circles as you.
  7. Size and resource assessment
    • Not all competitors are equal in terms of resources and size.
    • Focus on those who are comparable in size or who aspire to the same growth goals.
  1. Analysis of distribution channels
    • It identifies competitors who use the same distribution or sales channels.
    • This may include physical stores, online platforms, distributors, etc.
Here's how to approach this analysis:
  1. Clarity of the website
    • Is it clear from the first 5 seconds what the competitor is selling and why anyone should buy from them?
    • Is there a clear and concise value message?
  2. User Experience (UX)
    • Is the site easy to navigate?
    • Are the structure and design attractive and intuitive?
  3. Data capture for email marketing
    • How do they build their email marketing database?
    • Do they use opt-in forms, pop-ups or other data capture methods?
  4. Site traffic source
    • Where does most of their traffic come from? (SEO, social media, paid, etc.)
    • What are the main channels that bring in visitors?
  5. Advertising strategies and channels
    • Are ads running (ADS)? On what channels?
    • What types of messages and images are they using in their advertising campaigns?
  6. SEO and keywords
    • What keywords are they ranking well for?
    • What are their on-page and off-page SEO strategies?
  7. Brand identity and consistency
    • Is a consistent brand identity maintained across all channels?
    • Is the communication aligned with the values and brand image?
  8. Communication on different channels
    • Are there clear and consistent messages across all communication channels?
    • How do they manage their social media presence?
    • Does it have a strong visual brand identity?
  9. Planning and consistency of posts
    • How are social media posts scheduled?
    • Is there consistency and clear direction in the published content?
  10. Engagement on Social Media
    • What is the level of interaction and engagement (likes, comments, shares)?
    • What types of content generate the most interactions?
  11. Outstanding campaigns and partnerships
    • Are there marketing campaigns that stand out?
    • Have they established partnerships or media appearances that have increased their visibility?
By following these steps, you will be able to identify competitors that are truly relevant to your business and should be included in your competitive analysis. This approach will allow you to get a clearer picture of the competitive landscape and develop more effective strategies.
  • CONTEXT: Understanding the environment in which the business operates, including economic, social and technological factors.
Context analysis is a key element in developing an effective marketing strategy. This involves assessing the external environment in which the business operates to identify opportunities, threats and emerging trends that may influence success.
Here are some steps to perform this analysis:
  1. Assessing market trends
    • Monitor current and emerging trends in your industry.
    • Pay attention to new technologies, changes in consumer behavior and the evolution of demand for different products or services.
  2. Analysis of economic factors
    • It takes into account macroeconomic factors such as interest rates, inflation, the unemployment rate and economic growth.
    • Understand how these factors can affect customer purchasing power and demand for your products/services.
  3. Monitoring socio-cultural changes
    • Track changes in social values, attitudes and lifestyles of target audiences.
    • These changes can influence consumer preferences and purchasing behavior.
  4. Identifying technology trends
    • Stay up to date with new technological developments and innovations that may affect your industry.
    • Assessing the impact of technology on how customers interact and buy.
  5. Observing political and legislative changes
    • Take into account political and legislative changes that may affect the business, such as new regulations, taxes or trade policies.
    • These may impact costs, market access or compliance requirements.
  6. Analysis of ecological factors
    • Understands environmental and sustainability concerns and how they influence industry and customer preferences.
    • This can provide opportunities for eco-friendly or sustainable products or services.
By analyzing these factors, you can gain a comprehensive perspective on the external environment in which your business operates. This will help you identify opportunities you can exploit and prepare for possible threats, allowing you to adapt and optimize your marketing strategies to stay competitive.
  • COMPANY: SWOTT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, Trends) analysis helps to identify the current position of the business and to recognize relevant trends.
Analyzing the company's current situation is an important part of understanding internal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This process helps establish a solid foundation for strategic planning.
Here we could develop even more, but for now we just boil down to what is important in your marketing strategy.
Here is a set of questions to guide you in your company's internal analysis:
  1. The portfolio of products or services
    • What products or services does the company offer and how are they performing in the market?
    • Are there diversification opportunities or portfolio optimization needs?
  2. Customer satisfaction and loyalty
    • What is the level of customer satisfaction?
    • Is there feedback or data that indicates problems or opportunities in the customer relationship?
  3. The SWOT analysis
    • What internal strengths and weaknesses can be identified?
    • What external opportunities and threats are relevant to the company?
  1. Current strategies and initiatives
    • What strategies and initiatives are currently underway?
    • How do they contribute to the company's long-term goals?
  2. Technology and innovation
    • How is technology and innovation used within the company?
    • Are there opportunities to improve or innovate in key areas?
The answers to these questions will provide an overview of the company's current situation, helping to identify areas that need attention and to formulate strategies that capitalize on strengths.
  • CONTRIBUTORS: Identifying the right partners can accelerate the achievement of objectives.
Collaborator analysis focuses on identifying and cultivating strategic partnerships that can accelerate the achievement of your business goals. Collaborations can be a great way to expand your reach into new markets, improve your product or service offering, and increase your visibility.
Here's how you can approach contributor analysis:
  1. Identifying potential partners
    • What other companies or organizations serve the same target audience but are not direct competitors?
    • Who are the key players in your industry who might be interested in a mutually beneficial partnership?
  2. Assessing existing communities and networks
    • What communities or networks are already formed where your ideal customer is?
    • How can you access these communities through partnerships?
  3. Analysis of mutual benefits
    • What value does the potential partner add to your business?
    • What benefits can you offer in exchange to create a balanced and mutually beneficial partnership?
  4. Compatibility of brands and values
    • Do the potential partners' values and brand image align with yours?
    • How can brands complement each other to create a cohesive and effective collaboration?
  5. Exploring Co-Marketing Opportunities
    • What types of campaigns or co-marketing activities can be done together?
    • How can resources be combined to reach a wider audience or create more attractive offers?
  6. Logistics and operational analysis
    • Are there logistical or operational aspects to consider in the partnership?
    • How will joint processes and distribution of responsibilities be managed?
  7. Long-term impact assessment
    • How will the partnership influence the long-term growth strategy of your business?
    • Are there potential risks or complications that need to be addressed?
By addressing these aspects in your collaborator analysis, you will be able to identify partnerships that not only support the achievement of your business goals, but also add significant value to your customers. Strategic collaborations can be a powerful engine for innovation, growth and long-term success.

If you have come this far, it means that you have achieved clarity in your business and have also managed to have a detailed overview of the current situation. So, you are going to use all the information to create your marketing strategy.


The following steps are planning and implementing the omnichannel marketing strategy!


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    We have the CLARITY, you have the SUCCESS.