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Top SEO practices to stay on top

SEO in 2024: Best Practices to Stay on Top

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, continues to be a critical pillar of online success. As we enter 2024, it's important to understand and apply the most effective SEO tactics to ensure our sites not only survive, but thrive in this competitive landscape.
However, in order to effectively navigate through this domain, we need to clarify several aspects. Throughout this article, we'll explore the most important SEO tactics for 2024, with an emphasis on innovation and adapting to new trends.
Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this article will give you the perspective and tools to ensure your website is not only visible, but also relevant and attractive to your target audience in 2024 .

SEO off-page vs. On-page SEO: what's the difference?

Understanding the difference between on-page SEO and off-page SEO is essential to any effective digital marketing strategy. Both are important for improving a site's visibility and ranking, but approach optimization from different angles.

On-Page SEO or all actions on the site

On-page SEO focuses on optimizing website elements to improve search engine rankings. As it said, it refers to all your actions related to your website alone, from one end to the other.
On-Page SEO includes:
  1. Content Optimization:

    Creating quality, relevant and valuable content that includes naturally targeted keywords. The content must be informative, well structured and meet the needs of the users.

  2. Meta titles, meta descriptions and headings:

    These elements must be optimized with relevant keywords and be attractive to users, thus improving the click-through rate (CTR). They are those pieces of content written as hooks: “Learn…”, “See…”, “Discover…”.

  3. Optimizing URLs:

    URLs should be clean, structured and include relevant keywords to make it easier for search engines to follow. Let's leave the urls-that-are-long-and-irrelevant-and-not-optimized in 2023 🙂 .

  4. Image optimization:

    Using alt text and descriptive file names helps improve the accessibility and understanding of images by search engines. We talk about it below.

  5. Site loading speed:

    Believe it or not, site loading speed is the most important SEO component. A fast site improves user experience and is favored by search engines.

  6. Responsive design:

    A mobile-optimized website is essential in a world where mobile browsing is predominant. You don't want users to help increase your bounce rate just because you didn't make the design fit the screen, do you?

  7. Internal link structure:

    Internal links help structure your site and distribute page authority. If you have a super relevant piece of content on your site, "all roads lead home", aka, to that content.

  8. Structured data and markup schema:

    These techniques help search engines better understand the content of the pages. Basically, you're telling Google what you wrote on the page and the fact that it's super relevant. 

Off-Page SEO or everything you do off-site

On the other hand, off-page SEO refers to the activities performed outside the website to improve its ranking. Off-Page SEO includes:

  1. Link building:

    Getting links from other relevant and authoritative sites. “If people are talking about you, it means you're relevant!” said Google. But make sure it's well said🙂 Link quality is important! It does not use link farms, but uses advertorials and press releases.

  2. Social Media Marketing:

    Social media activity can increase visibility and traffic to your website. So, use keywords in your posts and don't forget Google My Business!

  3. Brand Mentions:

    Mentions of your brand on other sites, even without a link, can contribute to brand authority. However, it weighs more if there is also the link.

  4. Content marketing:

    Sharing content on other platforms and collaborating with influencers and other sites. Cross-promo all the way! Thus, you reach other audiences that may be relevant to your business.

  5. Online PR strategies:

    Press releases and articles in online publications can improve visibility.

  6. Reviews and Online Reputation:

    Online reputation management and positive reviews can influence SEO. As I said, let it be good words.

The most important SEO tactics for 2024

I've talked about the many things that go into SEO, both on and off-page. Summing up, here are the most important tactics to reach and stay at the top in 2024:


  1. Optimizing for user intent:

    Use keywords and queries to answer in your content.

  2. The mobile experience:

    It ensures a smooth mobile experience, given that Google prioritizes mobile indexing and most importantly, users primarily use mobile search.

  3. Page Load Speed:

    If the speed is higher than 3s, you have lost the user and your place in the top.

  4. Quality and relevant content:

    Constantly create and optimize content, but make sure it's valuable to anyone who walks through your site.

  5. Optimizing for voice search:

    Tailor content for voice assistants, including natural questions and answers relevant to your chosen queries.

  6. Technical SEO:

    Pay attention to technical aspects such as URL structure, use of meta tags, data structure, and site accessibility.

  7. Quality link building:

    Get links from authoritative and relevant sites by building relationships and partnerships.

  8. Local search optimization:

    For local businesses, local search optimization is vital, including updating your Google My Business profile and consistency of local information.

  9. Use of structured data:

    Implement Markup and Structured Data Schema to help search engines better understand the content of your pages.

  10. Performance monitoring and analysis:

    Use relevant tools to monitor and adjust site performance based on data.

What is structured data and Schema markup?

Structured data and Schema markup are tools used to improve how search engines understand and display your site's content. Structured data is a standardized format for presenting information about a page, making it easier for search engines to categorize the content.
Why are they important? Because it helps to contextualize the content, providing a clearer understanding of it.
The markup scheme, developed by Google, Bing, Yahoo! and Yandex, is a specific vocabulary of structured data. It allows you to tag various elements of your content, such as:
  • the title of an article,
  • the author,
  • the date of publishing
  • the main image.
Implementing the schema in your page's HTML provides search engines with additional information that is not directly visible to users.
On the other hand, using structured data brings significant benefits, such as creating "rich snippets" in search results. These text snippets can include product ratings, images, prices, making your listing more attractive and informative.



In addition, it supports voice assistants in understanding the content of pages, increasing the chances of being included in the answers to questions 🙂

To implement Schema markup, choose the relevant types for your content, use an online generator to create the required code, add it to the HTML of the page, and validate it with tools like Google's Structured Data Testing Tool.

Image optimization in 2024

AI is being talked about up and down. And about how smart Google is and what algorithm it has and let me dispel a myth, still valid.

Google does not see what images you publish on the site. Yet 🙂

Imagine that Google is blind (poor) and reads Braille. He understands only what he can read and only what is explained to him.

Here are 3 mistakes you make when uploading images to the website.

  1. You call them what they will.

    "Untitled", "image1" or "astdsj" will not get you up in the searches. Use keywords and variations to name your images.

  2. You upload them in any size.

    Size matters! Make sure that your images are not too big or too small, but that they are visible and clear.

  3. You have no other attribute.

    Or other text. Basically, you don't explain to Google what's in your image and why it's relevant to the article.

BONUS: Tools for SEO in 2024

I know, I know, SEO sounds super hard, complicated and whatever. Here are 10 tools you can use in 2024 to make the job easier:
  1. Semrush. A versatile tool that provides functionality for keyword research, backlink analysis, SEO audit and keyword position monitoring.
  2. Ahrefs: An essential tool for backlink analysis, keyword research, competitor analysis and website audit. It is recognized for its extensive database and accurate tracking tools.
  3. Moz: Offers a wide range of tools, including Moz Pro for site auditing, keyword optimization, and backlink analysis. Moz Local is also popular for local SEO.
  4. Google Search Console: A free tool provided by Google that helps monitor and maintain your website's presence in Google search results. It's essential for understanding how Google sees your site.
  5. Google Analytics. Google Analytics is an essential tool for any digital marketing strategy, including SEO. It provides detailed insight into your site's traffic and user behavior.
  6. UberSuggest. Ubersuggest is an affordable and easy-to-use SEO tool developed by Neil Patel. It is popular for its features that help with SEO optimization and content strategy.
  7. Screaming Frog: A popular website crawler that helps identify on-page SEO issues such as broken links, redirect issues, and meta data issues.
  8. AnswerThePublic: A useful tool for generating content ideas and understanding the questions and topics your audience is searching for, also developed by Neil Patel.
  9. Majestic: Specializing in backlink analysis, Majestic provides detailed insight into a site's link profile, helping to identify link building opportunities.
  10. SurferSEO: An advanced content optimization tool that uses data to provide detailed recommendations on how to improve your content for SEO.
Now that you've learned all this information, tell us in the comments what your SEO plan is for the next year and what your goals are.
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