We have the CLARITY, you have the SUCCESS.

Why is marketing strategy important?

1. What do studies say about people's behavior online? 2. What is a marketing strategy and how exactly does it help you? 3. Online marketing techniques and what you need to consider when developing a marketing strategy 4. Examples of marketing strategies

Why is marketing strategy important?

1. What do studies say about people's behavior online?
2. What is a marketing strategy and how exactly does it help you?
3. Online marketing techniques and why you need to take into account when developing a marketing strategy
4. Examples of marketing strategies

What do the studies say?

Studies show that over 60% of people looking to buy something do so online, and lately this percentage has grown considerably.
Then, over 44% of these people end up purchasing. Do you realize how much sales growth potential there is here?

To still manage to sell and grow, it is almost impossible to do without a marketing strategy. The competition is high and the offer is diverse. Just one click away, I find what I'm looking for at a better price. Why should people choose to buy from you?

What is a marketing strategy and what exactly does it help you with?

A marketing strategy is about bringing clarity and prioritization. In the relationship with our clients we often hear "I know what I have to do", but after discussions with us they then realize that it is actually the lack of clarity and prioritization that affects the results.

We strongly believe that a strategy is made by thinking, NOT by ideas! That's why when we design a strategy for clients MabIT we go through four stages:

1. Brief

Which is to bring clarity and define sales objectives. Talk about WHAT I SELL – how we understand what customers actually buy, Who am I – me as an entrepreneur, as a marketing person, as a business person and Cul I sell – where we find out where our focus is, on which market niche. At this stage we allocate two meetings that together total more than 3 hours. This stage is really cool and it's hard to do alone. Do you need help.

My role as a digital strategist is to get into the minds of your potential customers and try to find answers to the following questions:

  • What is he thinking?
  • What does he feel?
  • What emotions could I use in my marketing strategies for would you motivate to buy right now?

When you have the answers to these questions, you can create a marketing system that will work very well for years on end.

2. Research

Where we analyze the 5Cs: cbinders, competitors, context, ccollaborators, ccompany (current situation) + SEO analysis.

  • When we talk about customers we refer to the sales objectives transformed into marketing objectives and define the ideal customer/customers. Depending on what I want to sell I can define a main ideal customer avatar and add specifics for each product/service category.
  • Competition analysis it is the most important part of a strategy and not to copy but to find out what my client sees and hears from other parts as well. Only in this way can I identify how I can differentiate myself and define the answer to the question: Why should I buy from you and not from the competition?
  • context it is very relevant to see and analyze opportunities. Based on the contexts I can decide whether to approach a campaign strategy and how I can use an unfavorable context to my advantage and how to adapt my business to the change in people's behavior.
  • Contributors, partners are important because they help me reach my goals faster. This is where influence marketing can come in, or maybe an offline event to help me reach more people in a shorter time.
  • Company – the analysis of the current situation must be done to know where I am so that I can get where I want to be.
  • SEO analysis – it helps to know what to write content about and how and what to focus on to be able to bring as much organic traffic as possible.

3. Planning

Setting strategic direction – how I position myself, how I communicate and what is the approach that defines all my tactics. And so we end up defining at this stage the channels on which I will promote myself and what I will do on each one + what I will measure. It is very important to define the performance indicators here. They are NOT just representative of sales numbers! It matters the traffic brought to the website, the increase in the number of followers, the database, etc.


Following the plan, measuring and adapting as necessary. This step is of course the most difficult and requires teamwork. It's hard and overwhelming to do it all alone. As an entrepreneur you do NOT have to do digital marketing, but to understand you need to have tried or done it at some point. The key to success here is consistency and delegation.

Online marketing techniques and why you need to take into account when developing a marketing strategy

Marketing strategy is a process of planning and implementing actions aimed at achieving business objectives. As a marketing person, I have the role to understand your business plan!

In this whole process, trends are also taken into account.

Marketing strategy must be understood as a process of planning and implementing activities aimed at achieving all the objectives that the company needs. This must take into account the trends.


  • If we refer to website, it must respect the 3 C's: Clear – in the first 5 seconds to understand what you sell and why I should buy from you, Capture – to keep in touch with me and give me the opportunity to get to know you better, Convert - the purchase/contact process should be as easy as possible. Of course, user experience is a must and the time spent on the website should be as pleasant and valuable as possible for me (that's why the blog section is NOT optional).

Social Media organic

  • Keep in mind the following 5 pillars of communication:
  1. Education – educate about your industry, the products/services you offer and try to raise awareness in the minds of your potential customers. The goal the purpose of these posts is to bring traffic to the website and increase the number of followers. Write valuable and sought-after content.
  2. Promotion/Offer – of course it's important to talk about what we sell, but saying what we help with. It's always about others, NOT about us. Keep this in mind!
  3. Conversation – in social media – the main goal should be to create/grow a community around the brand and to achieve this, communication must be two-way. Ask questions, ask for opinions and try to generate interactions in your posts.
  4. Log in – real life is offline! Your customers use what you offer in real life. Create contexts to give them the opportunity to get to know you offline. Expose moments where they can connect with you or your brand.
  5. Motivation/ Inspiration – posts that aim to humanize the brand. Talk about success stories, people behind the business and motivate with real examples. These posts must be impactful.


  • You need to create funnels! Do not sell directly. Consider the stage people are in when interacting with your brand.
  1. If it's a cold audience (never heard of your business) offer: blog articles, educational posts, valuable video content, case studies, quizzes, free products.
  2. Heard but not bought – warm audience – offers limited free access, webinars, low-cost products, demo products, branding videos, books, etc.
  3. If they bought – here you have to make them come back through: physical events, personalized products/services, offers/content different from public ones, gamification, etc.

E-mail – choose to automate actions. When subscribing, schedule a welcoming flow, when ordering, schedule a flow to determine the person to complete (add an email from the owner - it always works!), send at least one email to your list every month (ideally every week ) and use the 5 social media pillars here as well.


Good marketing connects the offline with the online. We successfully apply hybrid marketing.

Examples of marketing strategies

VISITS our portfolio to see a small part of the customers MabIT. We serve a multitude of industries across all segments and categories. Our customers come from the manufacturing, service, IT, hospitality, medical and educational sectors.

If you want to understand even better how to apply and build your marketing strategy we invite you to our workshop from March 23-24 which takes place in Fundata, Brașov county, in a place away from the crowd and ideal for making a change.

This workshop is also suitable for people responsible for marketing actions in a company. After this you will get the strategy for your business. You will gain clarity and save time and money thanks to this experience.

More details and for registration HERE.
We have the expertise, you the increased sales.


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