We have the CLARITY, you have the SUCCESS.

Stay relevant in the market with the help of a marketing strategy.

When it comes to marketing results, these they don't just appear.

A correctly created strategy gives you the certainty that you offer relevant content to the right people, interested in interacting with you and your business. Pay as much attention as possible to developing a clear strategy, and in no time, you will have many more opportunities to sell.

Now ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of your marketing plan?
  • Have you conceived or are you about to conceive one just because you heard others have?
  • How many times a year do you review your business plan, marketing strategy, schedule and budget to make any necessary adjustments?

Just as for each day you have created a plan to achieve all the activities you want to do that day, so there must be a plan for your business as well. Along with this, a marketing strategy is essential for any business to achieve its goals and grow.

Today we want to talk about the importance of marketing strategy and the main ones reason for that you need a marketing plan if you want to effectively achieve your business goals.

Why is a marketing strategy necessary?

Let's start at the beginning to understand, specifically, what is a marketing strategy.

In other words, marketing strategy is a long-term, forward-looking planning approach with the ultimate goal of achieving sustainable competitive advantage.

A marketing plan includes: the company's mission, vision and objectives, the target audience – the ideal customer avatar, positioning in the market through key messages and a tactical plan on different communication channels (website, social media, email, partnerships, but also relevant offline actions) such as and the implementation deadline for each.

The strategy thinking starts from the product/service, the implementation budget and the human resources, if there are internal or external resources are needed.

How does it help you? The answer is simple: without marketing, your business can suffer serious consequences, such as:

  • Loss of customers or potential customers to competition
  • Loss of market share
  • Lost opportunities for development and growth 
  • It will be much harder for you to keep your customers etc.


In case you are still not convinced of the importance of a marketing plan, in the following lines, we will present you 5 reasons why you need a marketing strategy.

  • You set clear goals. To get the most profitable results, it is important to build your promotion intelligently and effectively. This is where the marketing strategy comes in. It is more precisely about establishing some SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, limited in time) that will help you to be as realistic and efficient as possible in reaching your goals. We recommend setting your 4-5 goals to start with. Instead of focusing on getting as much money as possible, make sure your goal is achievable and tangible. Goal setting means turning ideas into action and taking responsibility for progress. Marketing strategy is rooted in the idea that no plan should be left on the shelf until it expires, but should be acted upon intelligently at the right time.

  • You speak directly to your target audience. I think you noticed that most companies I'm talking just about their products/services and about how qualitative and revolutionary they are. However, cconsumers don't want to hear that. Product features are of little interest to them, what is really important to them is to present them the benefits, which are the solutions your product/service brings to their problem, how it helps them and how it makes their existence easier. To know how to convey this message clearly and precisely, you need to see who your ideal customer avatar is, specifically, who you want to sell to. As part of the marketing strategy, the avatar of the target audience is built based on some characteristics and particularities.

Entire to-do lists of items and materials emerge from the avatar's story:

  • from the frustrations avatar I create SOLUTIONS;
  • from fearful I create for him GUARANTEES;
  • from his questionsCREATE Ebooks, infographics, articles or posts EDUCATION.

  • You are one step ahead of the competition. According to Harvard Business Review researchers, thinking and developing a quality product/service is not enough to face the competition already existing in the market. You need the right marketing approach to connect the right customers to the right products. The power of marketing helps your company make the necessary transformations, especially in new product/service launches.
  • You invest the money in the right direction. Without a plan, chances are very high that you will be spending money left and right on different campaigns, but not getting the desired results, just wasting time. To be successful, you need to build a recognizable brand that conveys trust and security. You have to constantly communicate with your audience if you want your message to be heard, and invest your time and money wisely. A clear marketing strategy prevents wasted effort. Make sure budgets are planned and allocated effectively, each campaign aligns with your overall goals and is designed to deliver both short- and long-term results.
  • It is an organized and automated process. You may already have an idea of what you want your marketing campaign to look like. What you want it to look like, how it helps consumers and how it turns them from potential customers to actual customers. The next question to ask yourself is: how do you get these results? The secret is in the organization.

What this means? Well, organizing means doing email campaigns, content marketing, website setup, and more. In this case, automation is a marketer's best friend. Content can be scheduled, monitored and optimized from a central hub. With a well-organized strategy, you never miss a key opportunity to convert your followers.

Organizing your marketing strategy helps you see how you can convert leads into customers through tactics like CTAs and forms.

The purpose of a marketing plan is to help you manage things as well as possible and cover all the important steps to achieve your goals. The marketing strategy helps maintain focus and clearly delineates the roles and responsibilities assigned to your employees. Also, it is the ticket to success against competitors, but also the best way to get to know your ideal customers and thus continuously improve your products/services.

At MabIT we take care to offer you personalized services, tailored to your needs and requirements.

The team of experts is always ready with innovative ideas, ready to turn them into the solutions you are looking for and need. I outlined #hireaMabIT, a way in which we manage to help entrepreneurs promote their businesses in an efficient way and with as little time as possible.

see HERE, how we've supported other businesses to grow thanks to a marketing strategy.

Do you have more questions about what a properly done marketing strategy means or do you want one too? Need clarity? Do not hesitate to contact us!


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    We have the CLARITY, you have the SUCCESS.